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Penrith Baptist Church is gathering and connection of community with shared visions and values.

Penrith Baptist Church

Penrith Baptist Church is gathering and connection of community with shared visions and values.

Penrith Baptist Church

Penrith Baptist Church is gathering and connection of community with shared visions and values.

A new ‘church’ concept

A new ‘church’ concept for the Penrith Baptist Church at Caddens is based on the integration of ‘church’ within the framework of a community centre with ‘church’ as the engine room. The aim is outward not inward; everyone is welcome through a variety of inclusive themed facilities.

Penrith Baptist Church aims to be an energetic hive of activity at the centre of Caddens, opposite the hilltop park. This is not for self gain, Penrith Baptist Church is committed to serving the Caddens community, by serving a richer community will be built for and by every member.

Community facilities (café, auditorium, meeting rooms and community hall) will be structured and organised by church staff.

The café will be open to the public and will cater for church meetings and church dinners. As a public outpost, this is the first informal step for community engagement.

The auditorium is the main meeting room for the church and will hold periodic events (as an entertainment venue) such as concerts, conferences or lectures for schools, local university or interest groups.

The three small group meeting rooms fold out in to one larger meeting room available for church or community activity groups such as craft, exercise, mothers groups or even youth activities. These are generic multi-purpose rooms that can accommodate smaller groups as the community grows and needs develop.

The community hall is the main community gathering room that is able to hold a variety of activities depending on the requirements for the Caddens community. For this reason, the community hall is staged to be determined by future consultation with the community.

The proposed buildings born out of the new ‘church’ concept for the Penrith Baptist Church are different from stereotypical church buildings. Assessments of the proposed buildings need to be in context with the aims and values of the new ‘church’ concept not clichéd images.


Create a robust and vibrant community centre for Caddens, reinforcing personal engagement through public facilities such as the café, community hall and auditorium;

·       Achieve high standard of public amenity, urban and architectural design quality;

·       Demonstrate high standard of social and environmental sustainability;

·       Extend and strengthen links to community facilities beyond Caddens;

·       Encourage pedestrian and cycling to and from the site;


Quality design to fit coherently with surrounding residential and semi-rural land;

·       Access to natural light and ventilation;

·       Defined public and private spaces with strong integration to street life;

·       Simple articulated building and roof forms in contemporary style;

·       Shelter windows, doors and outdoor areas from solar gain and weather;

·       Appropriate scale and height within residential and semi-rural context;

·       Protect adjoining land amenity with regards to solar access and privacy;

·       Provide sufficient safe and secure parking spaces, while reducing visual impact of carparking areas

Urban Design Concept

·       Conform to Caddens DCP road layout access to rear of site;

·       Building at central location, reduce impact to adjoining land;

·       Landscaped buffers and acoustic treatment to eastern and western boundaries;

·       Minimise on-grade car parking, arrange evenly around building;

·       Maximise high quality landscaping with active and passive areas;

·       Main formal entry point to building at front of site;

·       Main entry point to Auditorium from level car park;

·       Auditorium located to face Caddens Road and semi-rural aspect and open to south light to control heat gain and glare;

·       Community hall located at front of site for strong community/street connection;

·       Front ‘lawn’ as informal entry to community hall;

·       Café located opposite hill top park with accessible pathways from street;

·       Café terrace as informal entry to from street;

Architectural Design Concept

·      Three building volumes to reflect three main facilities (community hall, café/ administration and auditorium), each component with own identity;

·      Linking circulation and service spaces as secondary to main building volumes, merging all elements into one central efficient organism;

·      Community hall and café/admin buildings as simple uncomplicated forms, building forms coherent with adjoining residential buildings;

·      Community hall opens long façade to street for legible identity;

·      Café covered terrace opens to community and hilltop park as extension of casual street life;

·      Auditorium ‘fan’ shaped as reflection of specific audience centric purpose, opening from a central core to wider community, starting at Caddens and beyond;

·      Circulation ‘street’ fuses main three building volumes, located centrally for clear and efficient horizontal and vertical movements within the building.

·      Community hall and café/admin building roofs maintain simple, un-complicated forms; sheltering from solar gain and weather via generous eaves and verandas;

·      Auditorium roof form strengthens identity as specific audience centric purpose facility; natural light and ventilation shaping roof form;

·      Materials and colours reinforce coherence with neighbouring residential buildings; face brickwork and lightweight cladding in earthy neutral tones draw connection to community and toned primary coloured trims celebrate the outward focus of community centre;


Caddens, NSW, Australia

Completion Date: